Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Model Trains; HO Scale Tips and Hints For Getting Started

Model Trains; HO Scale Tips and Hints For Getting Started

Author: Mike Foster

How does one get started with model trains without spending a lot of money? The long term hobbyists know so much, how can one create such fantastic layouts?

Each of us faces a learning curve when we start something new. Sure getting started can be overwhelming. Or we may find that once we get started, our interests or plans change. HO scale is a great starter scale given its popularity. Here are some tips to help get started with model trains, HO scale.

First, one can learn a great deal from the experiences of others. Learn from other’s successes and failures. It’s a lot cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others than to recreate them yourself. Why spend a lot of money up front only to find that you changed your mind or it didn’t work out as you had expected.

One way to start quickly is to read. Online eBooks are delivered immediately and getting you learning right away. Plus, since they’re electronic, they can be easily searched. Also consider the library for great resources on model trains, HO scale or any other scale. Look for magazines or books that catch your interest.

Second, balance the need to learn up front with getting started. Getting started in a small way will propel your enthusiasm and help you learn without breaking the bank. Each of us has our own, unique balance between learning and action. Find your balance and get started.

Third, start without spending a lot of money. Get started in a small way without big expenses. Save your hard earned money for later when you have experience and are growing your model train hobby. A great way to get begin is with a starter kit. As you get started, you may find that a particular aspect of model trains is for you. Now your plans change and you can start to grow your hobby experience in this new direction.

Fourth, start out in a small way and then grow. Keep your expectations, and your expenses, under control as you learn about model trains.

Fifth, visit a model train hobby store, but don’t buy yet! Hobbyists gather at hobby shops to talk trains. Find them and learn from them at shops or meetings. Of course hobby stores stock and display equipment that may interest you. With model trains, ho scale is a great choice as a starter scale given that many shops stock and display this scale. Use the shop’s layout to help imagine and create your own layout.

Sixth, move off the floor and up to a bench. Sure you can setup your starter kit on the floor. But the floor has special hazards including debris and your feet. You’ll find that a bench makes train operations, track arrangements, and testing much more comfortable.

Hint seven is to make progress by finishing the projects you start. The key to this approach is to never have more than a couple of active projects at a time. Put your energy into finishing a given project before moving on. In fact, consider disciplining yourself to finish a given project before you shop for the next task’s materials.

Eight. Start simple with a proven, stock track layout. As I emphasized above, there’s a lot of value in learning from the experts. Consider starting with an existing track layout and then improve as you gain experience. You’ll quickly learn the basics and be ready for a more interesting configuration.

Lastly, hint nine isn’t as much a hint as a recommendation. Have a great time! Enjoy your model train hobby, including the successes and bumps in the track. Model trains, HO scale or any other scale, is about personal satisfaction. Remember that you have chosen this hobby is for yourself, not for others.

All the best with your model trains. Hopefully these hints are helpful in getting started with the exciting world of model trains.

About the Author:

Mike Foster is a model train enthusiast and enjoys helping others learn about this fascinating hobby.

For more on the Model Trains, HO Scale, visit his website:

Article Source: - Model Trains; HO Scale Tips and Hints For Getting Started

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