Wednesday 23 December 2009

Making a Start With Honey Bees

Making a Start With Honey Bees

Author: Bob Prior-Sanderson

Knowing honey bees, and having the knowledge for their management, are the two most important factors in making a start in the business of beekeeping. The knowledge should be obtained first or, at least, gaining it should keep pace with any increase in the numbers of honey bees. As in any business, it’s the same with bee-keeping, your need to have a broad and deep knowledge of the subject to succeed in this line of work. So many people fail in different kinds of business because they start it with only a narrow or superficial knowledge of their chosen profession. A very good way to gain the knowledge is working with an experienced and successful bee-keeper. This is one of the quickest ways of learning bee-keeping; and, if the teacher is competent, it can be a very enjoyable experience.

The beginner is not always able to get the best as an instructor, it is therefore, a good idea to supplement such instruction by a course of reading, and thus be able to make comparisons and discuss the instructor's methods in the light of those procedures used by others. In fact, I am inclined to think that a thorough course of reading is the most desirable first step that can be taken by a prospective bee-keeper. Having done this, the next step is to subscribe to a honey beekeeping magazine. At this stage a season with an expert bee-keeper would be of great value, when the reading will enable the learner to use the information, and see the reason for things instead of being simply an imitator, following blindly in the footsteps of his teacher.

Many people who now keep honey bees never had any formal training. Many have become interested in honey bees from the capture of a stray swarm. Neighbouring bee-keepers would be visited, books or magazines borrowed or bought, improved hives and methods adopted, and, as the honey bees increased, so did the enthusiasm and interest, until, finally, the honey bees received more time and attention than did the regular business. Then bee-keeping eventually become a speciality or the sole business.

When a person has decided to embark on a bee-keeping venture as a business, they should learn the business thoroughly before investing extensively. No hard and fast rules can be laid down, so much depending upon circumstances. A young man with no established business would do well to pass one or two seasons in the company of some experienced bee-keeper, as has been already suggested, while a more experienced person already in business, with a family to support, may find it advisable to move into bee-keeping gradually, reading and studying as his honey bees’ increase. Whatever the method employed, let the work be thorough; and, especially, be sure to get plenty of actual experience before venturing into honey beekeeping as a business.

On occasions, a person already has some honey bees when he decides to become a full-time bee-keeper. Perhaps he never formally makes any such decision. He captures a stray swarm, and saves the honey bees, and the stock increases with such wonderful speed that the owner becomes a bee-keeper of substance and scarcely realizes it. This amazing speed with which honey bees increase is one strong argument in favour of a person securing a few colonies and building them up into an apiary instead of buying a large number of colonies at the beginning. By rearing queens that will supply the newly made colonies with brood, and you furnishing them with full sheets of comb foundation, the amount by which honey bees can increase in a favourable season is something almost beyond belief. Just how or where the first colonies come from may well be considered.

Sometimes the person who has steady work, and a good income, can buy honey bees and in the hives that they intend to use. If the honey bees and hives can be obtained locally, from a reliable bee-keeper, so much the better. Of course, there are instances in which a person has more time than money, or there may be a trace of the opportunist in their make-up, and, in either case, the hunting of honey bees, or the putting-out of decoy hives to catch stray swarms, will appeal to them. In those parts of the country where many honey bees are kept, as in Colorado or California, there is no difficulty in catching swarms in decoy hives; in fact, there is difficulty in keeping swarms out of chimneys and the walls of buildings. While out riding one day a man in Colorado, pointed out one house where the walls were covered with five colonies.

He used ordinary boxes instead of hives, and put them pretty high up in tall trees, as a good hive, easily accessible, is quite likely to be stolen. A piece of old black comb is fastened inside the hive or box, and the hive or box is firmly fastened to the tree so that it is not to be easily blown down, a position being chosen where the hive will be in the shade. A tree on the edge of the woods should be chosen, because, when a swarm reaches the woods, it at once begins a search for a suitable hollow in which to make its home. This is sometimes done in advance by worker bees when foraging. The hives or boxes are examined at least once a week, more often if there is time, and when one is found to be occupied by honey bees the hive or box is removed and another put in its place.

    Honey bees are also found by walking through the woods in the swarming season. After the honey bees have been found, then the next task is getting them out of the tree and into a hive. Sometimes it is possible to shake them from a light branch into a box, if they are located on a large limb, you might need to cut off the portion where they are located, and lower it by means of a rope. Having captured the honey bees they need to be transferred from the box to a hive. Frames with drawn comb should be put in the hive. A white cloth or canvas should be placed in front of the hive and the honey bees shaken onto it. Make sure there is a slight incline up to the hive entrance. If the hive is left on the spot for several hours, perhaps until dusk, nearly all of the live honey bees will go into the hive.

    As said at the beginning, if a person has and a reasonable income they might find it more satisfactory to buy honey bees in a hive; but if they have the time and inclination to get a start by hunting honey bees, or by putting up decoy hives, then this should help them to do it.

    About the Author:

    My name is Bob Prior-Sanderson. I am a successful bee-keeper and I publish eBooks about the long lost secrets of beekeeping by the old masters. Website:

    Article Source: - Making a Start With Honey Bees

    Beekeeping and Honey Bees - Harvesting the Honey

    Beekeeping and Honey Bees - Harvesting the Honey

    Author: Bob Prior-Sanderson

    Beekeeping is a very popular hobby and obviously the main reason for setting up, maintaining, and stocking a beehive is to harvest the honey. You will know that it is time to harvest the honey (the month depends on your location in the world) when you look into one of your hives and find that the frames of comb are full of honey and that the honey bees have covered it with wax caps. It’s time to remove the super and keep it in a bee proof room prior to extraction.

    When the super is full of capped honeycomb you are going to have to remove the honey bees from that super. There are several commercial chemicals available on the market that will make this easier. All the bee-keeper has to do is apply the chemical to a fume board or pad and place it on top of the super. When the honey bees detect the chemical they head to the bottom of the hive to the brood chamber or a part full super below the full one. This leaves the super full of capped honeycomb and bee free for you to harvest.

    This product does not harm the honey bees; the honey bees simply find the scent offensive and move away from it. Another method bee-keepers use to clear honey bees from a super is by using a crown board with a Porter bee escape fitted. There is also the Canadian clearer board and the clearing cone; there is also WBC cone escape if required. Using the escape method can take 24 to 48 hours.

    Now that you have removed the super you need to prepare the frames for extraction. The first step in this preparation is to remove the wax caps that the honey bees have used to seal the honey into the comb. Many bee-keepers use between nine and twelve frames in their supers, some modern hives take more frames. By using the correct number of frames to suit your type of hive you give the honey bees enough room to draw the comb out to the edge of the frame, they then cap it right on the very edge. This makes it easier to remove the wax caps by cutting flush to the frame. Bee-keepers use a metal knife to remove the caps, the knife works best if the knife blade is hot, after all it’s easier to cut warm wax then it is to cut cold wax. You can keep the knife blade hot by keeping it in hot water.

    A tall jug or pitcher that covers the knife blade is ideal. If the container is metal and can be kept on the heat then so much the better. Some bee-keepers like to use their bread knife to remove the wax caps from the honey comb while others prefer an electrical knife that is designed just for bee-keepers. Another method of removing the caps is by using an uncapping fork.

    Once you have removed the caps from the comb the honey is exposed, you can then use a straining cloth or bag or you could secure a piece of cheesecloth over an empty pot or container and put the wax cappings on the cheesecloth the honey will drain through the cheesecloth and the bee's wax caps will be left on the cheesecloth. This wax can be processed in a solar wax extractor or in a steamer/melter. Once the caps are removed from the honey comb the honey is ready to be extracted.

    This can be done by resting the frame on its top bar (upside down) in a tray or suspend the frame upside down over a tray. The honey will drain out of the comb. The honey comb cells have a slight up turn towards the top bar. This is to prevent the honey running out when being deposited by the worker bees. This is not very a very efficient method but is used as a last resort for some if they can’t get access to an extractor.

    It is perhaps better if you borrow a centrifugal extractor from a fellow bee-keeper or your local group, club or association. There are many models of extractor I would suggest you seek advice. You can of course make cut comb honey in 16 oz, 12 oz or 8 oz rectangles. Rectangular cutters are available or you could use a hot knife and cut your own rectangles.

    About the Author:

    My name is Bob Prior-Sanderson. I am a successful bee-keeper and I publish eBooks about the long lost secrets of beekeeping by the old masters. Website:

    Article Source: - Beekeeping and Honey Bees - Harvesting the Honey

    Model Trains; HO Scale Tips and Hints For Getting Started

    Model Trains; HO Scale Tips and Hints For Getting Started

    Author: Mike Foster

    How does one get started with model trains without spending a lot of money? The long term hobbyists know so much, how can one create such fantastic layouts?

    Each of us faces a learning curve when we start something new. Sure getting started can be overwhelming. Or we may find that once we get started, our interests or plans change. HO scale is a great starter scale given its popularity. Here are some tips to help get started with model trains, HO scale.

    First, one can learn a great deal from the experiences of others. Learn from other’s successes and failures. It’s a lot cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others than to recreate them yourself. Why spend a lot of money up front only to find that you changed your mind or it didn’t work out as you had expected.

    One way to start quickly is to read. Online eBooks are delivered immediately and getting you learning right away. Plus, since they’re electronic, they can be easily searched. Also consider the library for great resources on model trains, HO scale or any other scale. Look for magazines or books that catch your interest.

    Second, balance the need to learn up front with getting started. Getting started in a small way will propel your enthusiasm and help you learn without breaking the bank. Each of us has our own, unique balance between learning and action. Find your balance and get started.

    Third, start without spending a lot of money. Get started in a small way without big expenses. Save your hard earned money for later when you have experience and are growing your model train hobby. A great way to get begin is with a starter kit. As you get started, you may find that a particular aspect of model trains is for you. Now your plans change and you can start to grow your hobby experience in this new direction.

    Fourth, start out in a small way and then grow. Keep your expectations, and your expenses, under control as you learn about model trains.

    Fifth, visit a model train hobby store, but don’t buy yet! Hobbyists gather at hobby shops to talk trains. Find them and learn from them at shops or meetings. Of course hobby stores stock and display equipment that may interest you. With model trains, ho scale is a great choice as a starter scale given that many shops stock and display this scale. Use the shop’s layout to help imagine and create your own layout.

    Sixth, move off the floor and up to a bench. Sure you can setup your starter kit on the floor. But the floor has special hazards including debris and your feet. You’ll find that a bench makes train operations, track arrangements, and testing much more comfortable.

    Hint seven is to make progress by finishing the projects you start. The key to this approach is to never have more than a couple of active projects at a time. Put your energy into finishing a given project before moving on. In fact, consider disciplining yourself to finish a given project before you shop for the next task’s materials.

    Eight. Start simple with a proven, stock track layout. As I emphasized above, there’s a lot of value in learning from the experts. Consider starting with an existing track layout and then improve as you gain experience. You’ll quickly learn the basics and be ready for a more interesting configuration.

    Lastly, hint nine isn’t as much a hint as a recommendation. Have a great time! Enjoy your model train hobby, including the successes and bumps in the track. Model trains, HO scale or any other scale, is about personal satisfaction. Remember that you have chosen this hobby is for yourself, not for others.

    All the best with your model trains. Hopefully these hints are helpful in getting started with the exciting world of model trains.

    About the Author:

    Mike Foster is a model train enthusiast and enjoys helping others learn about this fascinating hobby.

    For more on the Model Trains, HO Scale, visit his website:

    Article Source: - Model Trains; HO Scale Tips and Hints For Getting Started

    The Elyos and the Asmodians, two playable races in Aion Online

    The Elyos and the Asmodians, two playable races in Aion Online

    Author: hally

    There are two playable races in Aion Online: Elyos and the Asmodians.

    The Elyos settled down in Elysium which is the lower half of Atreia. After they went through the Epic Cataclysm, they ended up on the surface exposed to bountiful amounts of sun light. As over 750 years have passed, to people’s surprise, their bodies have become a marvel of beauty. However, this wonderful blessing makes the Elyos become arrogant, and the results make them think they are being blessed by Aion, while the Asmodians are cursed in darkness. Elyos have many traits, and their main traits include being nice, friendly, and comforting towards one another of their own kind. Later on, Daeva Elyos are blessed with angelic wings.

    Unlike the Elyos who live in a place full of sunshine, the Asmodians live in regions of world coved with coldness and darkness. Over the 750 years passed, their bodies have changed significantly. The nails on their hands and feet have turned into claws, their skin has been drained of its flesh color, and they have grown a small mane on their backs because of warmth in their desolate environment. Unlike the Elyos who have luck on their side, they do not fell blessed and are aware of their daunting history. they learn a lessen from their history, that is they have to change their destiny. As a result, when the opportunity presents itself, the Asmodians will show their loyalty and pride for their own kind without any hesitation. Once Daeva Asmodians are blessed with black wings.

    About the Author:

    Nothing is less sincere than our mode of asking and giving advice. He who asks seems to have a deference for the opinion of his friend, while he only aims to get approval of his own and make his friend responsible for his action. And he who gives advice repays the confidence supposed to be placed in him by a seemingly disinterested zeal, while he seldom means anything by his advice but his own interest or reputation.

    Article Source: - The Elyos and the Asmodians, two playable races in Aion Online

    Your First Out Door Grill

    Your First Out Door Grill

    Author: Jeff Terry

    So you finally have your own house and you're ready to head to the store and buy your first BBQ grill. I'll admit, heading to the store and looking at the plenty of grills there on display is a lot of fun. But if you aren't sure which grill to purchase, you'll be walking around without a clue as to the benefits of one over the other. It is a lot of fun browsing through the barbeque selection, however.

    I'm going to help you out here and teach you about the different types of barbeques on the market. After reading this article, you'll have a good idea of the type of grill to pick up.

    The first type of grill is the propane grill. These are the most popular of all barbeque grills. They are the grills you see with the large, white tanks underneath them connected to the grill. They come in both large sizes and small sizes. The propane tank usually fits underneath the grill behind a door (if it's a large grill). There are small grills as well with small propane tanks. These are the grills that work great for camping.

    The next type of grill is the charcoal grill. These are popular as well and are usually very simple to use. They come in a variety of sizes and are popular around campsites and beaches. You simply add charcoal and lighter fluid to get these grills going. You gotta buy the charcoal and lighting material separately. Some charcoal will light without lighter fluid.

    There is also a new type of grill called infrared heating. This type of grill uses propane and cooks your food without the use of a flame. When you close the grill, it heats up the grill and cooks the food inside out. These types of grills provide very flavorful food and are easy to clean up.

    With this knowledge of grills, you should have a great time shopping for barbeques. It's a lot of fun and you'll find yourself intrigued by them for hours.

    About the Author:

    Jeff is an avid article writer. One of his websites is about country guitar lessons.

    Article Source: - Your First Out Door Grill

    Outdoor BBQ Party

    Outdoor BBQ Party

    Author: Jeff Terry

    As an American, I have learned to love and appreciate the tradition of barbequing during the summer months with family and friends. Whether it's the Fourth of July, a football game, or just a family and friend get together, barbeques never fail to provide a time of fun and enjoyment for everyone around. The smell is great, the food is great, and everyone always seems to enjoy themselves around a grill. The excitement of watching that marinated steak being cooked on the grill is unmatched (and very mouth-watering).

    In order to plan a BBQ party, you must first have guests that are willing to attend. Possibly the easiest types of BBQ parties are ones that are centered around sports games. I have always enjoyed having people over with barbequing for football games. Not only do people love football, but the games are only once a week which makes it easier for the guests to attend the party. Plus, who doesn't want free food and beer?

    Weather also plays a role in weather or not you can have an outdoor party. You can always barbeque in the rain, but it's not nearly as much fun. So be sure to check out the latest weather reports before you decide to throw together a BBQ party.

    Try to keep your guests updated about the party in at least a week in advance. Eventually, you can form a Saturday or Sunday afternoon barbequing tradition during the football season. These are always great because it guarantees that you will see your friends and family for years to come during the football seasons. Of course, you can always have a BBQ to other such sports that excite you and your friends.

    It's important that you prepare the BBQ party at least a day in advance. You will want to make sure your meat is marinated and ready to go. The smell of the meat cooking on the open flame is one of the best features of barbequing that people just can't ignore. Not only will it make your guests excited, they will enjoy themselves and want to return week after week.

    About the Author:

    Jeff is an avid article writer that specializes in writing about whatever he pleases. You can visit one of his websites about country guitar lessons.

    Article Source: - Outdoor BBQ Party

    Keep Your BBQ Looking New

    Keep Your BBQ Looking New

    Author: Jeff Terry

    Barbeques are a great item to have around the house as they can add a lot of fun to cooking and parties. Got a slab of meat? Throw it on the grill with some seasoning and you'll have a great tasting steak in no time. But it's important to think of your barbeque as an investment instead of just another item you bought for your house for outdoor entertainment. Your new barbeque is going to be responsible for many great meals in the future. It is important that you treat it properly with care and show it love.

    Barbeques need proper maintenance in order to run for years. I have seen barbeques completely destroyed in less than a year by owners not showing the care and love that barbeques really need. It could be as simple as scraping the grill or throwing on the cover. All of these things help. Let's go into the types of maintenance that need to be performed in order for your grill to last for years. Keep in mind that you should be performing these duties each and every time the BBQ is used.

    The first and most important type of maintenance is keeping the grill clean. Most barbeques come with a steel brush that can be used for this purpose. It is important that you brush off the food stuck on the grill after each and every cooking session. If you don't do this, it will build up quite fast and become a daunting task to remove. When the brush starts to wear out, buy another one. It isn't a major investment at all, but most people never buy a new brush. I've seen people using the same warn out brushes over and over again and they wonder why their BBQ grill isn't cooking well.

    Here's a maintenance tip that most people don't ever do: Spray your grill down with cooking oil after cleaning the grill. You must wait until the grill has cooled off, however. If you don't, the oil can catch fire. So just wait until it's cold and spray it on. This will keep the grill from rusting.

    Another good cleaning agent is baking soda. Using this on the grill will help polish it as it once was when you first bought it. Give it a try and you'll see!

    I hope these tips gave you some new found interest in keeping your barbeque maintained for years to come.

    About the Author:

    Jeff is an avid article writer. You can see one of his pages about country guitar lessons to see it.

    Article Source: - Keep Your BBQ Looking New

    Guitar Is My Favorite Instrument

    Guitar Is My Favorite Instrument

    Author: Jeff Terry

    I have been an avid guitar player for the last three years now. In my opinion, it is one of the best musical instruments to learn. It sounds great, can play many different styles, and it comes in multiple forms. It is also not as hard to learn as most individuals believe it to be.

    I enjoy playing my electrical guitar the most. Acoustic guitar is great, but I currently don't have one in my current apartment. If I had one, I might enjoy the acoustic guitar much more. So, for now, I have no choice but to say that I enjoy my electric guitar.

    The difference between the two types of guitars is that the acoustic guitar is much better for playing in front of a small group of people at a meeting or the beach for example. It sounds beautiful and you won't find many people complaining about it. If anyone does complain about your playing, hand the guitar over to them and let them try.

    The electric guitar is meant to be played through an amp. You can add effect pedals as well to get the many different sounds that the electric guitar can produce. Almost every rock band out there playing on a stage uses the electric guitar. It's responsible for those awesome leads that can be heard in your favorite songs. It's also the instrument of choice for metal guitarists because it can produce some awesome riffs that can't be done on the acoustic guitar. Well, it can, but you won't get the same awesome sound.

    One of my electric guitars is built by me and my father. It took us a few months, but it's a great guitar. I recommend any avid guitar player to learn how to make your own guitar. It feels very fulfilling to be able to pick up and play your own guitar that you made with your bare hands. Give it a try sometime.

    About the Author:

    Jeff is an avid guitar player who is the webmaster of his country guitar lessons website. Visit his site to learn more about the guitar and how to get started playing.

    Article Source: - Guitar Is My Favorite Instrument

    The main basic controls for a starting players follow in Darkfall Online

    The main basic controls for a starting players follow in Darkfall Online

    Author: hally

    Darkfall is featured real-time with fast-action combat, which makes it different from other online games. In order to better enjoy the adventures in the world of Darkfall, players must first get used to the following basic controls in Darkfall Online.

    Action mode gives you an access to interact with the world. If you want to fight, use objects, mounts, ships, banks and non-player character etc, action mode is what you are looking for.

    Interface mode makes you available to gain access to various menus and options that have to do with your character and the world around him. You are in interface mode in order to find your backpack, skills and spells, paperdoll, boards, and so on.

    F-key is the default ‘use’ key. When you want to speak with a non-player controlled character, you run up to him and press the F-key. the F-key has many functions, allowing you to interact with a bank, to get on a mount, to loot a corpse and so on.

    Press Space-key to jump: your character will jump when you use the space key. however using space key is at the cost of using up your stamina, so you must be very careful not to run out.

    C-key represents crouching, Diving. Use the c-key to crouch. If you want to hide, make less sound, duck from an attack, and to get into tight spaces, the C-key is your perfect choice. When swimming, the C-key makes your character dive.

    Left Shift plus Movement key means Sprint. By pressing down on the left shift-key while running your character sprints. Using sprinting costs your stamina, so you should watch closely.

    About the Author:

    I think it would be interesting if old people got anti-Alzheimer's disease where they slowly began to recover other people's lost memories.

    Article Source: - The main basic controls for a starting players follow in Darkfall Online

    The brief description of Kabarah Strip Mine in Aion Online

    The brief description of Kabarah Strip Mine in Aion Online

    Author: hally

    At the Kabarah strip Mine in Aion Online, remember turn in any old quests and pick up any new ones before you go on. you are suggested to start here by completing the delivering pernos Robe quest. If you want the fang for turn in you are able to find the cave by following the creak South-East from the Outpost.

    After having acquired one of the items in Aion Online which is required to deliver with the robe, you then are allowed to head north down the road from the Outpost to locate pernos which is designated by a seven on the map. Hand over the quest and be sure that you choose the option to do with the item you acquired and then pick up any other quests he is possibly going to offer. The Kabarah Strip Mine is existing in the East of Pernos and North-East of the Outpost.

    Keep in midne

    Keep in mind that at this point it is very much likely for you to have received more than one title, hit “P” to open up your character menu and choose the fourth tab to show your titles. Choose the most useful one from all those titles for your class and be sure to all the time keep an eye on the new titles.

    Attention: in the case you have reached level nine at any point from this point on one idea will occur to you that skipping to the end of the guild and completing the Ascension Quest before continuing through the Poeta quests. You are on the way to level ten after you arrive at the level nine. Gaining level ten is based on completing the Ascesion Quest which in itself gives the full level of expensive. As a result, if this happens finish the Ascension Quest all the way long and then go back to complete the quests in Poeta.

    About the Author:

    Game shows are designed to make us feel better about the random, useless facts that are all we have left of our education.

    Article Source: - The brief description of Kabarah Strip Mine in Aion Online