Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Outdoor Bird-Watching, Much More Fun than Birdcages

Outdoor Bird-Watching, Much More Fun than Birdcages

Author: Kasan Groupe
Outdoor bird-watching is a wonderful hobby that is much more dynamic and interesting than staring at bird cages all day long. It allows one to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature without spending an inordinate amount of time or money. All you need is a good set of eyes, a journal and some knowledge. The more often you do it, the more you will learn about birds and the more apt you will be to distinguish between different species.
In conjunction to your bird-watching you will need to brush up on your knowledge of local birds in your area. You can easily become an expert with a little reading and plenty of watching. If you aren’t sure of common birds in your area check out your state’s natural resources department. It should have numerous packets and pamphlets for bird-watchers such as you.
As you begin watching, make sure to bring your journal with so that you can easily document what you see. Starting in your own backyard is probably the best place for a beginner. Write down physical traits and bird calls so that you can start to identify and differentiate.
Once you’ve been bird-watching for quite a while, consider planning a trip or vacation with fellow bird-watchers. National parks are great places to bird-watch. If there is a particular bird you are interested in, travel to a region where you’re likely to see it. Bird watching is a relaxing and interesting hobby that you are sure to love. Give it some time and you’ll be surprised at how great you’ve become at identifying different bird species.
About the Author:
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Outdoor Bird-Watching, Much More Fun than Birdcages

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